Sound Mix: Silent | Color: Black and White | Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
吞火海峡 2012-11-14
stknight 2012-10-11
A baker's assistant throws a handful of dough at a rat. The dough sticks to the side of a barrel and the assistant proceeds to sculpt the dough into various faces and shapes. There is some experimental use of stop motion.
Panda的影音 2021-10-22
面包店的趣事 Fun in a Bakery Shop (1902):https://v.qq****/x/****/d0163l73oea.html
***小妮 2016-06-06
最早的电影居然是这样 是不是也可以说喜剧是电影起源?然而悲剧却是文学起源 有趣。
_Esperanza__ 2014-02-04
光 2013-11-04
这个好玩 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzk3MzMyNTk2.html
河原宏 2013-04-15
面粉捏像 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzk3MzMyNTk2.html
Vini_Kazma 2012-12-01
Sound Mix: Silent | Color: Black and White | Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
吞火海峡 2012-11-14
stknight 2012-10-11
A baker's assistant throws a handful of dough at a rat. The dough sticks to the side of a barrel and the assistant proceeds to sculpt the dough into various faces and shapes. There is some experimental use of stop motion.
paracelsus 2007-10-15
truly fun,trick用得很隐蔽。单镜头,1min。