闺蜜离婚指南 第四季在线观看和下载

闺蜜离婚指南 第四季

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4(2017)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 丽莎·艾德尔斯汀 / 碧儿·加勒特 / 妮卡尔·扎德甘
  • 类型:剧情 / 喜剧
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国

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《闺蜜离婚指南 第四季》在线观看和下载


闺蜜离婚指南 第四季原名:Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 4,又名闺蜜离婚手册

Abby and Barbara launch their blog, but it won't last long if they don't find a way to bring traffic to the site. As they look into potential influencers, a run in with Abby'**** and his new girlfriend sparks Barb's imagination. Delia's humanitarian efforts at Legal Aid send her on a stakeout with an abrasive but experienced new colleague. Phoebe gets in deeper with her seducti...



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闺蜜离婚指南 第四季评论

Charon 2019-10-03


Gloria|╋━|嵐 2018-11-16

受不了了 干嘛把abby写成个疯子啊。还有,Jake捏?

基瑞尔 2018-09-14

【Bravo】ep4弟弟回归超开心!Patrick Heusinger历经四季还真是越来越hunky+瘦了,反正Abby一路来这么多***男友,我是对James Lesure全程冷漠脸的==但是感情线之外,还是几个**的友谊最为牵挂人心。这一季突如其来的生死、工作还有感情更加严峻的抉择,又把大家牢牢的拉在一起。很喜欢本季一开始Abby和Barbara设想的那个女性精英交流社区的设想,虽然有一点“中产的无病**”,但是却给女***和*务提供了一个有趣的参考。

Piccatto 2018-09-03

where did the *** brother go? I liked that line but it was dropped suddenly. Just like Lila in the first season. I think the key take away from this show is that you really need some good friends.. Lovers come and go, and you may not really want someone around you all the time: that is really smothering. Cheers to friendship!

Di-Dar 2018-07-30


8c8c 2018-05-30

谁说不好看?这个剧陪我度过了人生一段很艰难的时光,到了第四季,少了些drama多了些人生的体会和温情,几个闺蜜打打闹闹,看身边的男人走来也走去,陪伴彼此**,创业,生老病死和离别,"you guys are all the fucking I have". 格外舒*的一季。

rainycon 2018-05-03


Xenia 2017-10-29

这季真的是不好看 但为什么Abby能有Mike而我没有啊!