太伟大了,想给十星,是我看过费曼相关作品里的最佳。The deeper the thing is, the **** interesting in it. 为自己的贫瘠和平庸感到惆怅。
柴维尔 2024-03-01
Allegretto 2024-02-15
Also recommend to listen a three-part series produced by Freakonomics Radio. The curious Mr. Feynman, the brilliant Mr. Feynman, and the vanishing Mr. Feynman.
Sophie 2023-12-26
This interview is less inspiring. Didn't try to follow him. What mattered **** was how he thought.
情话 2024-10-27
太伟大了,想给十星,是我看过费曼相关作品里的最佳。The deeper the thing is, the **** interesting in it. 为自己的贫瘠和平庸感到惆怅。
柴维尔 2024-03-01
Allegretto 2024-02-15
Also recommend to listen a three-part series produced by Freakonomics Radio. The curious Mr. Feynman, the brilliant Mr. Feynman, and the vanishing Mr. Feynman.
Sophie 2023-12-26
This interview is less inspiring. Didn't try to follow him. What mattered **** was how he thought.
L'heure bleue 2023-07-13
xulei 2023-03-29
学习物理要对大自然有好奇心,多问多想“为什么”的问题,可以探究至很深。 比如为什么用手推椅子可以使它移动,这到底是什么力,它与磁极的吸引和排斥本质是不是一样的,怎样去解释它?
贺意达 2023-02-04
逗瓣珂 2021-02-18
山止 2021-02-18
see Feynman thinking it out loud;想象的路径在于什么知识作为地基;想法一样才更值得害怕啊
失传已久的大海 2021-02-16