《A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo》在线观看和下载
A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo原名:A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo,
This is one of the few ethnographic films in which the anthropologist appears as one of the subjects, and as such it is a lively introduction to the nature of fieldwork. Napoleon Chagnon, who lived among the Yanomamo for 36 months over a period of eight years, is shown in various roles as "fieldworker": entering a village armed with arrows and adorned with feathers; sharing cof...
发布于1974年。由蒂姆·阿施、Napoleon Chagnon执导,集众多位Napoleon Chagnon等著名实力派明星加盟。
A Man Called "Bee": Studying The Yanomamo资源介绍
梁 2022-04-01
马拉盏芥蓝 2021-10-29
凝视异文化与原初一点也不简单,culture shock不是轻易能够跨越、克*的,我们哪能轻易地摒弃关于野蛮的想法呢?也算是理解了,和遥远的他者对话就是与自己的观念、执着、与**附加于我的思想对话。Napoleon A. C的田野工作讲述作为人类学家的难处,纸上得来终觉浅,虽说当下真正原初的部落少了,但是visual anthro确实有最真实的感官体验
indulge 2020-03-11
教材一般的结构 世系 传说 土地使用和公共空间 yanomamo