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푸른 별아래 잠들게 하라


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《푸른 별아래 잠들게 하라》相关推荐

4. 最后的呼吸/ 伍迪·哈里森、刘思慕
5. 阿诺拉/ 米奇·麦迪森、马克·埃德尔斯坦
6. 粗野派/ 阿德里安·布罗迪、菲丽希缇·琼斯
7. 我仍在此/ 费尔南达·托里斯、费尔南达·蒙特内格罗
8. 财富流感/ 玛丽·伊丽莎白·温斯特德、拉菲·斯波
9. 完美伴侣/ 索菲·撒切尔、杰克·奎德
10. 因果报应/ 维杰·西图帕提、阿努拉格·卡施亚普
11. 某种物质/ 黛米·摩尔、玛格丽特·库里
12. 落凡尘/ 李昕、刘校妤

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푸른 별아래 잠들게 하라又名Let Me Rest under the Blue Starlight

A male college student joins the army after leaving the government report on education in the hands of his lover, when he cannot publish it under the pressure of gangsters with political affiliations. After military *******, he looks for the report kept by his lover, only to find that those gangsters already have stolen the *****. So angered, he fights against them. But after k...



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