《Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done》在线观看和下载
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
发布于1975年。由比尔·莫伦茨执导,并且由编剧Robin Miller携幕后团队创作。并于1975公映的电影。
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done资源介绍
豆友 2022-06-30
Able Seaman **** Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a ***** to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gil
小爱 2021-11-14
Gilbert and Sullivan的粉丝很多都喜欢这部动画,并为它的悄无声息捶胸顿足。虽然我也觉得它作画精致细节多,人物刻画鲜活有性格,然而我终究不是轻歌剧operetta的粉,只能从动画的角度去欣赏它了。据说它还有一本电影书。