禁营:集体附身原名:Kemah Terlarang: Kesurupan Massal,
发布于2024年。由Ginanti Rona执导,并且由编剧Lele Laila、Ginanti Rona携幕后团队创作。并于2024-10-10(印度尼西亚)公映的电影。
心底的逆流 2025-03-03
印尼公式化恶鬼片 森林夏令营遇邪记 说是根据真人真事改编 但拍出来如同儿戏一般 尴尬到翻白眼的程度 今年看过的印尼恐怖片最差的一部
别问打烊了 2025-03-02
David Pledger 2025-03-02
火吧吧 2025-03-01
Rini, a first-grade student at Pandega High School, joins a camp in the Wana Alus forest to prove herself strong and approach Miko, the head of the committee whom she secretly likes. Although initially prohibited by the village caretaker, Mbah Sonto, permission was finally granted on the condition that they not disturb the place of offerings. However, during the three days of the camp, events beyond reason occurred. On the night of the peak of the drama performance, Rini, who plays the character of Roro Putri, is yakubd**** suddenly possessed by the real spirit of Roro Putri and triggers mass possession among the other participants.
落地开花 2025-02-28
红唇 2025-02-21
链接:https://***.xunlei****/s/VOD9ai6pehV-OVgEI84_UPopA1?pwd=nvxm# 复制这段内容后打开手机迅雷App,查看更方便